Friday, April 9, 2010

A Hard Days Night

8:30      Begin the fight with the alarm
9:10      Freak out at how much I slept in, get up and quickly get ready.
9:20      Text Dad to see if he can give me a ride to work.
9:23      Search around the kitchen for my thermos to put coffee in it.
9:35      Arrive to El Dorado.
9:37      Turn on computer, unlock archives and windows, turn on music in Club House.
10:15     Allow myself to drink the coffee.
13:05     Begin to fiddle my thumbs with boredom.
13:35     Glance randomly at the clock thinking if I do the time will go by faster.
13:50     Text Dad reminding him to pick me up.
13:52     Ask boss if there's anything else for me to do before I leave.
13:59     Turn off computer, lock archives and windows.
14:05     Get in the car and go home.
14:15     Arrive home.
14:20     Make something to eat.
14:45     Lay down for a while
15:45     Text parents to see who's giving me a ride to work again.
16:03     Arrive to gate guard and ask for keys to the office.
16:05     Open up the office.
16:10     Turn on computer, unlock archives and windows.
17:50     Remind Dad to pick me up at six.
17:56     Ask if there's anything else for me to do.
17:59     Turn off computer, lock archives and windows.
18:10     Arrive home.
18:15     Eat.
18:30     Collapse on my bed and fall asleep.
21:30     Wake up
21:35     Locate family members
21:40     Get online
2:35       Start willing myself to get off and go to bed.
2:55       Begin saying goodbyes
3:15       Sign out, turn off computer.
3:19       Brush my teeth
3:23       Get ready for bed.
3:27       Get in bed, turn off the lights, set the alarm.
3:43       Begin to get serious about actually sleeping.
3:58       Feeling the frustration for not being able to fall asleep.
4:19       Clear my mind, will sleep to come.
6:45       Wake up wondering what time it is.
8:30       Begin the fight with the alarm.

1 comment:

Mik said...

How familiar the fight with the alarm sounds xD