Thursday, August 12, 2010

Journey Into Darkness

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a serial killer? Why they do what they do, what motivates them... it's an entire new science on human beings. I'm reading this book right now called "Adam" by Ted Dekker (if you like suspense/thriller mystery novels about the battle between good and evil, I really recommend Ted Dekker. He's one of my favourite authors). Anyways-I'm in the middle of the book so far, I started it in Canada but stopped for a week or so 'cause it was kinda freaking me out. It's about this killer named "Eve" who targets young women in their twenties, and he kills them all the same way- by injecting a mysterious illness on the night of a new moon and then leaving them in various underground basements or caverns. The virus or bacteria (they're not sure which) would cover the brain and central nervous system and create a swelling that placed such an amount of pressure on on the components of the nervous system that the brain was swollen to the point of epidural hemorrhage (woo for medical terminology).
As the story goes on about trying to find this killer, a side story is presented in the form of a newspaper article or a news story. It's about the abduction of two young children and their lives. The people that kidnapped them were true hideous people. They were regular assassins, a husband and a wife, who couldn't have kids so they took these two and raised them only to teach them how to survive one more day in their presence. They beat the children for any wrong thing they did, to the point that they both knew that one wrong look or glance at either "parent" would end in pain. But they didn't know any differently, until the older child decides to run away. They jump a train nearby and try to reconstruct their own lives out of the nightmare of their childhood and years growing up.

I won't go into much more, as to not ruin the story. But I do recommend the book, I haven't finished it yet. But when I do I'll write another post about my conclusion of it. If I didn't want to spoil the story, I would love to do a review on the book. So, if you're NOT planning on reading it (face it, only 25% [or so] of the time someone recommends a book to you do you read it.), let me know so I can do a neat review and not have anyone get mad at me. ^^


Ked said...

Ooooh, I read that book!
Yeah, 'twas kinda creepy but it was good, I really like Ted Dekker...

Mik said...

Hm, looks interesting. Well, just title your blog post as "Book Review" and I'll skip over it until I've read it for myself.