- 10 things that make me happy are...
- Rain
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Friends
- Fire
- Music
- Laughter
- Intelligent conversations
- Traveling
- Love
- 10 things that I value about life are...
- Friends
- Family
- Respect
- Maturity & Inner child
- Experiences
- Learning
- Colors
- Opportunities
- Sound
- Smells (to a certain point)
- 10 things that I would love to have for my birthday are...
- Music
- Organizational skills o-o
- Coloring book & Crayons
- Books
- Notebooks xD
- A visit from friends
- Solution to all my life's problems
- A letter
- Coffee thermos
- Sleep
- 10 things that I believe in are...
- Love
- God
- Shooting Stars
- Wishes
- Karma
- Hope
- Willpower
- R&R
- Friendship
- Dinosaurs
- 10 things that make me laugh...
- Good comedies
- Friends
- Smart jokes
- Dumb jokes... sometiems
- Watching someone be outrageous and silly, and love them for it.
- Dancing in the rain
- Laying on a carpet talking with friends while high on chocolate milk at four in the morning.
- Dancing
- Crazy ideas of the future
- An overzealous compliment.
- 10 things that make me cry are...
- Upsetting movies, Horror movies, movies that make me jump... *hangs head* yeah...
- Losing someone special
- The unknown
- Confusion
- Heartache
- Very emotional joy
- Saying goodbye
- An animal dying...
- Excessive physical pain
- A friend upset at me.
- 10 ways that I can help someone else are...
- With my friendship
- With a smile and a helping hand
- With homework?
- Translating
- First aid
- Teaching them the ropes
- Sharing a good word
- Being honest
- Being empathetic, or sympathetic.
- With a hug
- 10 accomplishments that I have done are...
- Learned a second language
- Learning first aid
- Play more than one instrument
- Live as a minority in a third world country
- Learned to drive
- Good grades in school
- Have had a steady relationship for over a year
- Almost finished high school
- Raised enough money to travel more than once
- Wrote a song
- 10 places that I would like to visit are...
- London
- Halifax
- Italy
- Rome
- Venezuela
- Australia
- India
- Argentina
- New Zealand
- France
- 10 things that I would like to carry with me at all times are...
- Pen/Pencil
- Notebook
- Music
- Camera
- Water
- A little cash
- Extra pair of socks
- Toothbrush
- Photos of special people
- Hair tie
- 10 expectations that I have of myself are...
- Become a doctor
- Learn a few more languages
- Truly travel the world
- Help people who need it the most
- Stay in touch with close friends and family
- Seize opportunities
- Appreciate
- Love
- Be happy
- Not lose faith in what I truly believe.
- 10 things that I do well are...
- Communicating
- Giving advice
- Learning
- Acting and doing what necessary in a stressful situation
- Pretending to be stronger than I am
- Not sleeping o-o
- Driving
- Weighing decisions and opportunities
- Being adventurous, and not afraid to try new things
- Phrasing things to my advantage :P
- 10 things that I can improve on are...
- Judging too quickly
- Not listening to my gut (I know, these are kinda contradictory)
- Being happy
- Sleeping
- Acting on what I know is right
- Working on friendships
- Trust
- Slowing down in life
- Staying in touch
- Appreciating what is truly important to me
- 10 things that I love about my family are...
- Their spontaneity
- The craziness
- The laughter
- The midnight cravings
- Family movies/ series'
- The support
- Standing up for eachother
- Protecting one another
- The retaliation
- The appreciation
- 10 beautiful things outside are...
- The sky
- The sunset/sunrise
- The birds
- The warmth
- The people
- The stars
- The moon
- The opportunities
- The languages
- The love.
- 10 things that I hope happen within the next year are...
- 10 good books that I have read are...
- Redeeming Love
- Thr3e
- House of Leaves
- James and the Giant Peach
- Helter Skelter
- Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures
- Better
- Enders Game
- Great Expectations
- 100 years of Soltitude
- 10 favorite music groups/artists are...
- Our Lady Peace
- Tegan and Sara
- Mumford and Sons
- James Blunt
- Rodrigo and Gabriella
- Mika
- Daniel Cordero/ Joel Barker/ Chris Gast (in no particular order o-o)
- The Killers
- Stars
- The Beatles
- 10 fun things to do are...
- Coloring
- Dancing
- Singing
- Cooking
- Hanging out with friends
- Learning something new
- Enjoying the sunshine
- Staying up late talking to people
- Hug
- Laugh
- 10 great daydreams are...
- Traveling
- No problems in the world
- Spending time with my love
- Accomplishing my dreams
- Everything falling into place when confused
- Becoming rich :P
- Meeting/going to a concert of my favorite music group(s)
- Floating in a hot air balloon
- Skydiving/Scuba diving
- Getting married.