Sadly, that was the only ride we got on that night... well, the only "big" ride. There were 2 or 3 other ones that I wanted to try... but perhaps next time. Ahh! There was also paint balling :D:D:D. We didn't do it though... OH MY GOODNESS! The creepiest thing happened that night too: My sister and I were just walking around the carnival waiting for the rest of the group to arrive, when we decided to just go watch the people that were paint balling. So we go over (keep in mind, the location of the carnival was a park) and just stand in a dark, secluded area surrounded by trees, when a really tall, young guy walks past us and says "Hola Lili". Man, he freaked me out. I have no idea how he knew who I was... I mean, unless he had seen me in the light or something... Plus, I haven't seen that guy for 3 years! (He was a classmate in 6th grade, his name is Hugo... yes, I knew who he was but I just can't get over the fact he knew who I was) It was really really interesting... Man... Haha. Great night.
Let's see... the people who showed up that night were myself (obviously), my sister (obviously), Arif, Victor, Benno, Arno and Zahra (Arno's girlfriend). Also, Denae and Meagan had shown up, we bumped in to them a couple times... but they were off on their own.
One thing I noticed that night, that I'm not sure what to take from it, was that I was getting a lot of... odd attention from Benno (he's the guy that had previously told me that although he liked me, but he didn't want to be in a relationship right now because of time... or something like that). Just quick glances, small smiles, brief physical contact... such as him pulling me towards him with his hand on my shoulder and whatnot... It's just a bit confusing. But all right, it's better than the alternative... haha. Course then again, I suppose it's really not that odd... we've always been like that. The physical contact especially has always been a bit interesting between us. Just everything that's been going on with the two of us... makes me wonder.
Everyone started leaving around 11:45 or so, because Arif was going to give the group that showed up a ride to their house... so that kinda just left my sister and I there until my Mom decided to show up... so we walked around some more, we talked about random stuff... played a couple games. Then we decided we were hungry so we walked around the million food stands and decided to get Chinese food (at a Mexican carnival... haha). It was actually probably the best Chinese food I've had in a long time. Well, about this time it was probably 12:30, and we were getting really tired and just ready to go home. So, we called my mom about a dozen times (She was with my dad at a gig... so it was loud and she couldn't hear the cell), and then waited for another 15 minutes for her to get us.
We got home around 1ish... and although I was so tired I practically was falling asleep in the car, I still got on the computer *shakes head*. I'm really addicted to this thing. One day, when I have nothing 'of importance' to do on the computer, I'm going to ground myself for a month. This'll probably have to be once we move into town though... or else I'd die. But yeah, I'm going to ground myself and see if I survive happily. lol... I actually did that once... ground myself, I mean. It was only for a day though.
Well, now it's Saturday... 11:12 on a Saturday. It's a wonderful day out... and OH JEEZ! I'm going to be at rehearsal for a play I'm in from 12:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.!!! AAAAGGHHH!!! What the HECK am I supposed to do for TEN FREAKIN' HOURS at a THEATER!??? Oh well. I'll live. lol.
P.S. The reason I wrote my name "Lili" when describing what happened with that one guy was because in Mexico, that's the way they spell my name. And there actually IS a big pronounciation difference... It just makes it all more realistic. Hehe.